Danger level

Avalanche Problem

Persistent weak layer


Gliding snow

A generally favourable avalanche situation will prevail. Weakly bonded old snow and gliding snow represent the main danger.
The old wind slabs of last week can be released by a single winter sport participant in isolated cases. They are lying on weak layers on very steep northwest, north and east facing slopes above approximately 2000 m. The avalanches in these loacations are rather small. In addition in places that are protected from the wind, individual small dry loose snow avalanches are possible.
On very steep grassy slopes individual small to medium-sized gliding avalanches are possible.
The conditions are generally favourable for ski touring, freeriding and snowshoe hiking. Restraint should be exercised because avalanches can sweep people along and give rise to falls.
On very steep grassy slopes individual small to medium-sized gliding avalanches are possible.
The conditions are generally favourable for ski touring, freeriding and snowshoe hiking. Restraint should be exercised because avalanches can sweep people along and give rise to falls.
Wind-protected shady slopes: The upper section of the snowpack consists of faceted crystals; its surface consists of loosely bonded snow. Steep sunny slopes: The surface of the snowpack has frozen to form a strong crust and will soften during the day.
The danger of dry slab avalanches will decrease gradually. The danger of dry loose snow avalanches will persist.