Danger level

Avalanche Problem

Wet snow

Moist snow slides and avalanches are possible in isolated cases as before.
As the temperature drops a generally favourable avalanche situation will prevail. Very steep sunny slopes: As the day progresses only isolated small and, in isolated cases, medium-sized moist snow slides and avalanches are possible.
All aspects: Up to high altitudes rain fell on Tuesday over a wide area. As a consequence of falling temperatures and low relative humidity a crust formed on the surface on Wednesday. Sunny slopes: The surface of the snowpack will freeze to form a strong crust and will soften later than the day before. Shady slopes: In many places there is a danger of falling on the hard snow surface. Faceted weak layers exist in the centre of the old snowpack in particular in places that are protected from the wind.
Above approximately 2000 m there are 100 to 200 cm of snow, and even more in some localities. Snow depths vary greatly at elevated altitudes, depending on the infuence of the wind.
Above approximately 2000 m there are 100 to 200 cm of snow, and even more in some localities. Snow depths vary greatly at elevated altitudes, depending on the infuence of the wind.
Some snow will fall on Saturday. Gradual decrease in danger of moist avalanches as the temperature drops. Hardly any increase in danger of dry avalanches as a consequence of the new snow.