Danger level

Avalanche Problem

Gliding snow

Wind slab


Wet and gliding snow require caution. Fresh wind slabs at elevated altitudes.
A great many small to medium-sized gliding avalanches and moist snow slides are to be expected as the penetration by moisture increases. The avalanche prone locations are to be found in particular on very steep shady slopes below approximately 2300 m and on very steep grassy slopes.
As a consequence of new snow and a sometimes strong wind from southwesterly directions, mostly small wind slabs will form during the night in particular in the vicinity of peaks. The fresh and older wind slabs can be released by a single winter sport participant in some cases. These can in isolated cases be triggered in deep layers and reach medium size in particular on northeast and east facing slopes.
As a consequence of new snow and a sometimes strong wind from southwesterly directions, mostly small wind slabs will form during the night in particular in the vicinity of peaks. The fresh and older wind slabs can be released by a single winter sport participant in some cases. These can in isolated cases be triggered in deep layers and reach medium size in particular on northeast and east facing slopes.
The surface of the snowpack will cool hardly at all during the overcast night and will already soften in the late morning. The spring-like weather conditions will give rise to increasing moistening of the snowpack. High altitudes: The southwesterly wind will transport the new snow and, in some cases, old snow as well. The fresh wind slabs are mostly small but in some cases prone to triggering. Large-grained weak layers exist in the bottom section of the old snowpack in particular on near-ridge shady slopes.
Wednesday: Rapid increase in danger of wet and gliding avalanches as a consequence of the rain.