Friday 23.04.2021
Published22 04 2021, 17:00
Danger level

Avalanche Problem
Wet snow


Moist snow slides and avalanches require caution.
A favourable early-morning avalanche situation will be encountered over a wide area.
In particular on steep sunny slopes and from starting zones at higher altitudes individual moist snow slides are possible from the middle of the day. Single backcountry tourers can release avalanches now only rarely. Restraint should be exercised because avalanches can sweep people along and give rise to falls.
Shady slopes high altitudes: The upper section of the snowpack is favourably layered and its surface consists of loosely bonded snow lying on a crust that is not capable of bearing a load.
Sunny slopes: The solar radiation will give rise as the day progresses to increasing moistening of the snowpack.
In all regions at intermediate and high altitudes less snow than usual is lying. At low altitude from a snow sport perspective, insufficient snow is lying.
Gradual increase in danger of moist avalanches as a consequence of warming during the day.