Danger level

Avalanche Problem

New snow


Dry snow slides and moist snow slides during the day require caution.
As a consequence of the new snow dry and moist snow slides are to be expected as the day progresses, but they will be mostly small. The avalanche prone locations are to be found in particular on very steep slopes above approximately 2000 m. These can to an increasing extent be released by people or triggered naturally. As a consequence of solar radiation the prevalence of the avalanche prone locations will increase as the day progresses. Even a small avalanche can sweep people along and give rise to falls.
The snowpack will be generally stable. 5 to 10 cm of snow, and even more in some localities, will fall until the early morning above approximately 2000 m. The light wind will transport only a little snow. The new snow will be deposited on a crust in particular on shady slopes. The solar radiation will give rise as the day progresses to increasing moistening of the snowpack in all aspects.
At intermediate and high altitudes there are 20 to 50 cm of snow, and even more in some localities. In all regions less snow than usual is lying. On steep sunny slopes at low and intermediate altitudes no snow is lying. At high altitudes and in high Alpine regions snow depths vary greatly, depending on the infuence of the wind.
At intermediate and high altitudes there are 20 to 50 cm of snow, and even more in some localities. In all regions less snow than usual is lying. On steep sunny slopes at low and intermediate altitudes no snow is lying. At high altitudes and in high Alpine regions snow depths vary greatly, depending on the infuence of the wind.
Monday: Gradual increase in danger of moist avalanches as a consequence of warming during the day and solar radiation. Significant decrease in danger of dry avalanches.